Monday, November 26, 2012


I went into the Thanksgiving holiday armed with many tools:

  • Thanksgiving has lots of "Lean Protein" and plenty of vegetables.
  • When it comes to pie, the first two bites taste best. Enjoy, then stop.
  • Thanksgiving is a "meal," not a 4-day eating extravaganza

Well... for the first time since I started 4 months ago, I let loose. Completely loose. "Keep the M&M's in front of me" loose. "Two dessert plates" loose. "My stomach hurts" loose.

That said, it's over and I'm back. The penalty was 4.5 lbs at the scale. 2 are gone already, and based on past results, the other 2.5 should take a week or less. When I started I had broken into the 160's at 169. So I get to enjoy crossing that threshold again.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guess how old this suit is?

I reached into the pocket and found the alteration ticket from Dillards. It was dated July 1988. I bought that suit 24 years ago and it fits me beautifully today. I haven't worn it much over the years, obviously, so it's as good as new!

In 1988, I was 27 years old and working for D'Arcy advertising,living in Soulard. I had not yet met Jody. My parents were in their 50's. And that suit was brand new.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Soon, I'll be in the 160's!

I can't express how wonderful it feels for me to wear 33" waist jeans and preparing to give my 36"-ers away. I'll soon break 170 - I'm pretty sure I was still single the last time I weighed under 170.

I recommend this program to anyone who's ready. It works, it's not difficult and the rewards are lavish!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

60 Lbs!

This morning I weighed 175.5. I celebrated by shaving my goatee (such as it was).

The last time I weighed this much? Probably about 1990 (22 yrs ago). In 1996 I got down to 180 or so by running 3 miles a day.