Sunday, September 16, 2012

What you should know about Take Shape for Life

I started at 236lbs. I'm currently at 195lbs. (That's 41 lbs lost). IN TWO MONTHS!

Here are a few things you should know about TSFL:

  • You start with a health coach. Mine is a guy named David. He's been working the program for a while and knows a lot about the why's and wherefore's. He's handled all my questions so far, and has been very encouraging to boot.
  • TSFL is more than just a diet. But I'll tell you about the diet. Once I hit my goal, I'll learn more about other aspects. For now, I've been very focused on the diet part. And with excellent results.
  • I never feel famished. I eat 6 times per day, about every 2.5 to 3 hours. Even though I'm eating about 1,000 calories per day (creating quite a caloric deficit), it really doesn't feel like it. And it's not hard.
  • Five of those meals are low-calorie meal replacements.
  • One of them is the Lean/Green meal. Lean protein (chicken, fish, veggie options) and green vegetables.
  • I have to eat healthy fats every day. Apparently that's good for the gall bladder.
  • I eat over 72g of protein. That makes me feel full.
  • My carbohydrate intake is limited to about 80-100 grams per day. So I'm not using them for fuel. Rather, I'm burning fat. LOTS of it.
  • TSFL is VERY STRUCTURED. That's a good thing, at least for me it has been. Bear in mind:
    • My physician has been telling me, for a LONG time, to be more active, eat more healthy foods, stay away from high-carb, high-glycemic index stuff and so on. He told me to eat more of a Mediterranean diet. He told me to snack on nuts (just a palmful).
    • That advice is well-intentioned and sound. But it's not very easy to follow. It doesn't tell me what to eat when. And it leaves many questions unanswered: What constitutes "high-carb?" How many carbs should I have per day? How about fat? How about protein? Can I eat at restaurants ever? How will I know?
    • With Take Shape for Life, I know exactly what to do. And it is DO-able.
  • My physician told me about it. He sees it as an extension of his practice. He told me something very interesting which I will paraphrase heavily:
    • "I treat people for high-cholesterol, typically with prescriptions. A lot of them really need to lose weight. But I've never had a concrete weight-loss program to offer them. I'll continue to write prescriptions, but now I have TSFL to offer them as well. Many won't do it, but some will. And they'll lose weight, lowering their risk for ALL those related ills: high blood pressure, heart disease, type-II Diabetes, arterial disease, high cholesterol and so on. It's just another way to treat the same conditions. But in fact it's a lot better for most of them than simply taking medications." 
That's the gist. I'll add more as I progress.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Looking for Inspiration?


There, you'll see inspirational, unedited stories of weight loss complete with before/after photos. And the writers are mainly young people, teenagers and twenty-somethings who are transforming their bodies and their lives as they prepare for their futures.

And there are A LOT of them.

Read it. It will inspire you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

That was then, this is now

Oh how the weight loss has slowed.

In my very first week, I dropped 11 lbs! There after, I've seen 7 to 4 lb losses per week. I was weighing myself every morning and, more often than not, I'd see a new, lower number each day. That was then - this is now.

For the last couple of weeks, the losses have been more modest. I'm still sticking to the plan as well as I always have, but the results are slower to come. The Take Shape for Life plan promises 2-5 lbs per week. I'm getting around 2 to 2.5.

I'm pleased, of course. But I need to readjust my expected timeline. I had been thinking that I'd be at my goal by November or December. Perhaps it'll be January or February.

It's not a race. That's the advice I got from my health coach, David. He's right. Since the beginning I have been losing at a rapid rate. An attention-getting rate. That was fun. But that was then, this is now.

Today: 197 lbs
Loss to date: 39 lbs
Remaining: 37 lbs
Goal: 160 lbs

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BROKE 200!

This morning, I weighed 199.5 and my BMI is about 30.5.

Currently: OBESE (per those confounded BMI charts)
1.5 more lbs: Half-way to my goal
4.0 more lbs: I'll be merely "overweight!"

Monday, September 3, 2012

What a Man(nequin)!

I'm not exactly a clothes horse, but I've got to do something.

My pants don't fit. But I don't want to buy new clothes yet. What to do?

Well, I went to Goodwill and St. Vincent De Paul (a thrift store in St. Louis). Here's what I got:
  • $4, a pair of Levi's
  • $3, a short-sleeve shirt with a button-down collar
  • $5, a pretty nice polo shirt. Slazinger, I believe
  • $3, a long-sleeve oxford button-down shirt

Plus a belt at Burlington Coat Factory and I'm good to go for another 20-30 lbs. When I pass 170, I'll get out the checkbook and take a trip to the real mall. December maybe?